Sometimes I feel like a child on the supermarket or toy store. I want it and I want it now! I think that we have stablished that I am extremely stuborn and when I put something in my mind it will stay there until I do it.
Diving was like that. For so many years I wanted to do the dive course and now that it is done I want more. I want to go all the way to at least - and I am saying the least - Dive Master. I want to master this sport and do it over and over again. When I meet people that have over 10.000 dives logged I feel jealous, I want to kick their asses but at the same time I want them as dive buddies. Crazy I know but that's just me. I am a geek - which I believe we have also stablished - and when I say that I'm a geek, it's not in the sense that I love to sit down and study for hours but it's in the sense that I want to learn more, to discover more to MASTER more things! It's all about the experience.
It took me about 6-8 weeks to decide which fins I should get and now that I've got it I'm going to my next step - by the BCD, regs and computer. I went to the 2 dive stores in town twice in less than 7 days so I could try them on, learn about it and make up my mind about which one I should get. I spent hours going through the costs and the catalogues to see which one was the best for me and my pocket and I finally came to a conclusion, I made my choice (and it only took me 1 week!!). Mind you that I wasn't going to buy anything before November but my birthday is on Sunday so I am very tempted to get it as my Birthday present. I don't have that kind of money laying around the house just waiting to be spent but I don't care, I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!
Maybe I can go diving soon with my brand spanking new gear! It will be awesome!
Diving was like that. For so many years I wanted to do the dive course and now that it is done I want more. I want to go all the way to at least - and I am saying the least - Dive Master. I want to master this sport and do it over and over again. When I meet people that have over 10.000 dives logged I feel jealous, I want to kick their asses but at the same time I want them as dive buddies. Crazy I know but that's just me. I am a geek - which I believe we have also stablished - and when I say that I'm a geek, it's not in the sense that I love to sit down and study for hours but it's in the sense that I want to learn more, to discover more to MASTER more things! It's all about the experience.
It took me about 6-8 weeks to decide which fins I should get and now that I've got it I'm going to my next step - by the BCD, regs and computer. I went to the 2 dive stores in town twice in less than 7 days so I could try them on, learn about it and make up my mind about which one I should get. I spent hours going through the costs and the catalogues to see which one was the best for me and my pocket and I finally came to a conclusion, I made my choice (and it only took me 1 week!!). Mind you that I wasn't going to buy anything before November but my birthday is on Sunday so I am very tempted to get it as my Birthday present. I don't have that kind of money laying around the house just waiting to be spent but I don't care, I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!
Maybe I can go diving soon with my brand spanking new gear! It will be awesome!