Friday, April 13, 2007

Why I make plans???

Today is my second day off in a row, so no work or TAFE to worry about! When I see a day off in my roster I start to make plans, to idealize what is meant to be a very productive day however it never turns out the way I thought it would!

Take today for instance, here I am in front of the computer creating this blog while I was meant to be studying about mangroves! It's lunch time already and I'm thinking about what I'm going to cook for myself. Afterwards will be time for washing up, having a cig while admiring the view from my varandah and when I come back to earth and check the time, I will most certainly be late to meet Paula at some bar in the city to have a couple of beers before we meet the other girls! I have promised myself that I would go for only 2 beers but I know myself well enough to understand that if I'm having a great time, I will stay there for a while but even if I decide to come back home for any reason, I will be a bit tipsy to try to study. I suppose I studyed enough last night and that should do the trick!

So here is my question: Why do I bother making plans for my days off if in the end I change my mind and do whatever I feel like? I suppose there are two answers and none is wrong: I make plans because I like to have an objective, something to look forward to and I don't normally follow my plans for the simple fact that I CAN!!! I live in my little purple world where I have the power to do so!!


Bettina said...

Welcome to blogger world my dear- having a blog is one of the best ways to procrastinate, so nicely done! And it shall be my honour to be the first one to leave a comment on Lelly's little purple world.

Why do you still make plans? Because you like to fool yourself, much like I do too, and pretend that you can fit seven hundred things into one day, while really you just need a bit of time off every once in a while. Don't work yourself too hard, life is too short. And yeah... look who's talking! It's Miss I-work-60-hours-a-week-AND-go-to-uni! Don't worry about taking me seriously- I like to give advice that I don't follow myself.

Paulinha said...

Hi Mi,
Welcome to the blogg world!!! You'll find it heaps of fun!!! And it is definitely the best way to procrastinate!!! But don't worry too much as life most of the time doesn't go the way we plan, does it?? But it's still good to have plans as guidance...
I can't wait to hear more about what goes on in the Little Purple World... keep up the work!!

Paulinha said...

Hey, where is the next post??? I'm waiting...

Bettina said...

I agree, my friend, bring on the next post! Don't you do procrastination? C'mon, we know you want to.