Saturday, May 5, 2007

525.600 minutes...

525.600 minutes ago I discovered feeling that I have long forgotten. It was the first time in many years that I was laughing with completely happiness while watching "Light my candle" on a Rent production in Brisbane. During the play I felt anxious, happy, worried and sad. I had these feelings in different times of the play and when those 2 hours were finished, I realized that my life has changed completely.

I wonder how 2 hours can do that to you? How a play can make you so happy and sad at the same time that you feel so overcome with the rush of emotions and you from that moment on you know that your life has changed drastically. At 18:00 I was getting ready to go to watch A play and at 22:00 I knew I had to make some harsh decisions to get my life back.

The opening act is with all the actors singing “Seasons of Love” and for those who haven’t listened to this song, I will write a bit of it. The song goes:
“525.600 minutes,
525.600 minutes moments so dear.
525.600 how do you measure a year in your life?
In day light? in sunsets? in midnights?
In cups of coffee? in inches? in laughter?…
525.600 minutes how do you measure a year in your life?
How about love?
Measure in love…”

I remember having goose pumps when they sang this song and that’s when my thoughts started to change. I drift away from the play and started to think about my life in general and I remember coming back to earth minutes later when the protagonist couple started to sing “Light my candle”. For some reason, I felt completely immerse on the scene and I couldn’t stop laughing with full happiness. That’s when I realized that I was fully happy for the first time in a long time. Such a thought brought a massive smile in my face which I couldn’t get rid of until they played “No day but today” but I don’t want to get in much details about the sad part, it’s not what I’m writing this for.

My life was a mass before this play and after 525.600 minutes it is still massy but I’m getting it organized, my way, my time (SO VIRGO!!)

So the question is: How do you measure a year in your life?
In 525.600 minutes I bonded with an old friend, made a new very good friend, lost the love of my life, made a dream come true, fell in love, had a heart break, met great people along the way, danced my ass off, drunk a fair bit and rediscovered feeling that have long gone to sleep.

I’m measuring five hundred, twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes in love. Love for my 3 dearest friends who guided me through the rough path of divorced and showed to me that there’s a light in the end of the tunnel. Love for the simple luxuries in life such as shopping and going out for a martini. Love of myself and love itself.

Many, many, many, infinite many thanks to my sister Ana who was there from the beginning and had to coupe with me bitching about everything and didn’t charge for any of this psychotherapy sessions and most of all: for taking me to watch RENT and making me completely addicted to it!

So have you thought how do you measure a year in your life??? How about LOVE?!?!?!

Ana, Paulinha, B and Sophie you are a sublime gift from the skies and I’m very blessed to have you in my life. LOVE YOU!!


Paulinha said...

Hey linda,
thanks for the mentioning in such a thoughtfully felt indeed that heaps and heaps of changes went through in you past 525.600 minutes. Even though some were sad changes, and many were good, most importantly they all helped you grow in a way. That's why changes are always positive!! I guess the best way to deal with them is just trying to embrace it. And good luck with that!!!
BTW, I don't think I could analyse my past 525.600...maybe I could, but I think I'll choose not too :-)

Bettina said...

Oi lindona,

I'm sitting at my desk at 9am in the morning with friggin tears in my eyes after reading your post and that's all your fault. It's not an easy road you're on my friend and I know this all too well, but you have done so well and I'm proud of you. I'm glad to have been part of your journey and it will be my honour to continue being part of it. What a beautiful post.
Te amo tambem linda.

Lélly Abranches said...

Amo voces!!!
Thank you so much for being part of my last 525.600 minutes!!!